Blogs forgiveness

A sustainable climate, in ourselves too

A blog by Frits Koster The drastic climate changes are obvious. Shifts are being observed all over the world. In general, future life does not look favourable for humans, plants…

Sweet feeling

A blog by Joyce Cordus Last weekend I was at the North Sea Jazz festival. There was one singer, Lizz Wright, who moved me to tears. It wasn’t just her…

Friendship and forgiveness

A blog by Joyce Cordus This week I received a sweet message from a friend. It made me very happy because our friendship has just entered a new phase. We…

Loneliness and forgiveness

A blog by Frits Koster ‘Solitude vivifies, isolation kills‘ – Joseph Roux (1834-1905), priest, writer and poet I recently read  “The Lonely Century” (Spectre, 2020) by Noreena Hertz after seeing…

Never mind

A blog by Joyce Cordus I recently read the book “Soedah, laat maar,” a Dutch novel by Maddy Stolk (‘Sudah, never mind’ in English). Tara, the main character in the…

Please stop the violence

A blog by Frits Koster and Joyce Cordus On Oct. 7, 2023, violence escalated in the Middle East when Hamas fired rockets at Israel and launched an unprecedented operation in…

Maya Angelou on forgiveness

A blog by Joyce Cordus and Frits Koster “Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn’t know before you learned it.” – Maya Angelou We thought it would be nice…

Achilles (tendon) and forgiveness

A blog by Joyce Cordus As I write this blog, it has been all but two weeks since my Achilles tendon tore off. As a result, I am now lying…

On anger and the allergy to forgiveness

A blog by Frits Koster Forgiving sounds so easy but it turns out to be far from easy. When light things have gone wrong – at the hands of ourselves…

Webinar (English language) “Training Forgiveness” Sat 14th December 2024 from 6pm – 7.30pm UK time