Mindfulness-Based Training in Forgiveness

Just as we can develop attentiveness or kindness, so too can we allow forgiveness to flourish. This can be done through forgiveness training’.

In the Mindfulness-Based Training in Forgiveness (MBTF), the three different flows of forgiveness are explored at the individual level, in relation to groups and communities and in relation to the (increasing polarization) in the world around us. However, we also explore dilemmas and difficulties in practising forgiveness and how we may have compassion and understanding for these as well. MBTF training is delivered online (in six sessions or as an online retreat of three days) and residentially (as a workshop or retreat in three days). Participation can contribute to a life of greater peace and harmony – in yourself and in relation to the world around you.

The MBTF is is non-religious in nature and scientifically screened. The training is suitable if you have been familiar with the practice of mindfulness for at least a year, if you wish to deepen the practice of mindfulness and compassion and look for pathways to inner softening – regarding yourself and/or regarding others.

Some evaluations from participants:

The course provides various elements that help you to forgive or to clarify what is holding you back. It becomes clear that forgiveness comes in steps, and the beauty of the course is that you don’t go beyond where you are at.’

‘I found this course very informative to discover what I could still do about processing an already older trauma. It gave me surprising insights and tools to deal with old patterns differently.

‘Through meditative exercises and experiential exchange, this course respectfully brings information around the theme and new inspiration to move forward in a process related to forgiveness health. It led me to see things in a broader perspective.